I want to talk about the VALUE of postpartum care.
Other postpartum care providers also known as INNATE Postpartum Care Providers (like myself) incorporate traditional postpartum care such as healing therapies, foods and ceremonies into the mothers care which is absolutely CRUCIAL to her life long health and the health of her family. If that’s not enough, let’s look at how a mother & father will FEEL after a postpartum visit.
You have someone coming into your home who is an expert in the postpartum time. This means they have taken courses, workshops and clases to learn about the WHY & WHAT of the postpartum time + many of them have years of hands on experience. Having knowledge about a certain subject gives you understanding then in turn gives you peace.
When I say the WHY & WHAT of postpartum I’m talking about all the things that no one talks about. The things your friends don’t tell you. That unfortunately you learn and become aware of at the most sensitive and vulnerable time in a woman’s life. I’m talking about some of the things that come up (not all) in the postpartum. Why am I sweating so much? why am I so sad when I should be happy?
And now I feel guilty for feeling sad and I want to hide it and put on my happy face so nobody sees that I’m sad, anxious or even angry. Are my babies poops normal? Is he/she getting enough? My breast hurt what can I do?
Then sometime we share things that you may have not even thought of, like how to organize or make your life simpler and easier. Like suggesting a different feeding position that changes everything and gives you more sleep, helps to alleviate your back.
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard clients say to me “ wow, the energy has shifted so much since you arrived, we feel so much more at peace, thank you!”
“That therapy was magical” with a peaceful and blissful look on her face.
The feeling of being a hot bowl of nourishment, nurturing, deep knowledge and information is priceless! This is what every woman should feel in the postpartum and it is my intention to leave the home just a little bit better than before I arrived.
“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou